What To Do With An Idea


I love a good story. Even better, I love a good storyteller! I am a voracious reader with an eclectic taste in genres, but what remains consistent in all my favorite books is the ability of the storyteller to emotionally connect with me. A good writer has a remarkable gift. Jesus was an amazing storyteller. He always had the ability to connect with his listener. His stories were short, simple and brilliant.

Recently our family was on a weekend getaway and we stopped in a touristy town on our way home to walk through the shops. In one particularly feminine cutesy store I saw my guys make a beeline for the children’s section which was only corner of the store that might offer them respite from the onslaught of lace and women’s fashion. A few minutes later I noticed their heads bent together and buried in a children’s storybook. I assumed they were just passing time until we were ready to go, but as my daughter and I finished our perusing they appeared in no hurry to put down the book and leave. Mind you, my “boys”  are my 17 year old son and 22 year old son-in-law, so I was fascinated to see what could hold their full attention in a children’s book. Curious, I took a look at the story they were reading and soon became as engrossed as they were. The book was called “What To Do With An Idea” by Kobi Yamada. It is a simple premise obvious by the title, but as I was reading it struck me that it brilliantly described what I went through with Reigning Hope. Without giving away the whole book, here’s the process that went through my mind five years ago:

It started as a small idea. I tried to ignore it. I tried to forget it. I tried to stop it. My idea kept following me. The small idea became a big idea. The big idea scared me a lot. It seemed far too big for me. I tried to share my idea with others in hopes of giving it away for someone else to claim, but no such luck. My idea kept growing until it became a part of me and I couldn’t forget it.What am I supposed to do with this idea??? Eventually I accepted that God put this idea in MY heart and I needed to allow it to grow and develop, and speak it out loud and give it wings…which I did in 2013 – and with that the idea kept growing and the story kept continuing. That’s where Reigning Hope is right now… in yet another new chapter. Developing and unfolding, new plots, new twists, new ideas. Even after 4 years I feel like it’s still the beginning of the RH story, and at the moment it’s a cliff hanger to see where it will grow next, but it is growing day by day.

What I hope is that Reigning Hope will do what the best stories do… emotionally connect with its audience. My idea can’t be accomplished alone and the story cannot be written without a larger cast of characters… especially those who have more ideas. Every day I am excited to discover what is next and watch my small idea grow, even though it still scares me! I think dreams and ideas often come too large so that we can grow into them 🙂


Isaiah 43:19 “See, I am doing a new thing!”

It is difficult to tell the whole story of what God is doing with Reigning Hope when there are so many exciting side stories and footnotes and parallels… so really this is a chapter out of order – kind of like the Star Wars movies….it might be a long wait to have the whole story start to finish, but here I go jumping into the middle!

In January I found myself in Haiti once again. I was with a youth team that was able to visit RH as part of their trip. They did a wonderful job doing a Bible Fair for the RH kids in the community. I teamed up with a Haitian doctor to give each child a physical and vitamins, while some of the youth team gave some fun educational information on hygiene and wellness. It was wonderful to be able to show my  youth team what RH was all about. Leading up to that trip God had been preparing me for a change …. I just wasn’t sure what that change was going to be – would it be good news? Bad news? I didn’t know… and despite my plan to figure it out while I was there, I went home still not knowing! But even though it felt like I was just waiting and wondering… in hindsight I see that God was also preparing not only ME for a change, but also Guindy and the RH leadership committee… and while He was preparing us, He was also showing us new possibilities so that when we finally had a chance to talk about CHANGE, we were able to do so with excitement instead of dread or a sense of loss.

So here is the long story short… Guindy and the leaders who have been so passionate in their work of spreading HOPE to their community are thriving! Since 2013 when we formed, the goal of RH has always been to maintain it primarily as a Haitian leadership-driven ministry. My part was to help organize their efforts… a purpose I feel we have accomplished. So, with Guindy and the leadership board blessing, I passed the torch over and stepped down from the c0-president position with full trust they will continue to grow and make an impact in the lives of their neighbors.

Where does that leave me? Well, I am STILL the co-founder and executive director of Reigning Hope! Confused? Remember the changes God was working on? Here’s a glimpse at some of them: Guindy will continue to run the ministry in his community under their new name, Redeemer’s Hope. While I don’t hold an official role with them anymore, Reigning Hope will continue to support Redeemer’s Hope and any NEW community ministries as “projects”. If there is a specific need or idea then RH will join alongside as a team effort. Wait… did I say NEW communities??? Yep! That’s a whole ‘nother update… but I am excited about the NEW direction of Reigning Hope with other Haitian groups who have shown an interest in partnering to create their own “community centers” that will share HOPE with their neighbors!

So the last few months Guindy and I have been working together to separate our ministries and get him geared up with new banners and other fun accessories to make them official. Now I am up to my eyeballs trying to make RH official through establishing a 501c3!

Many of you have faithfully offered a listening ear to this ongoing story and have given your support, encouragement and prayers to me and this ministry. I invite you to join with me in continuing to pray for this NEW exciting chapter!

Planning for New Programs

It is the desire and prayer of RH to continue to grow and improve our vocational programs. We have recently acquired 2 sewing machines and this year we are working to set up sewing classes. We are currently still in need of a generator, fabric, thread and quality sewing supplies in order to get this program underway. Please pray with us as we search for instructors and organize this new endeavor. If you would like to support us in this effort please contact us! Thank you so much for your prayers, encouragement and support!

January 2015

Reigning Hope welcomed our friends and medical team from Camano Island WA who spent 2 clinic days seeing the children from the Kids Club ministry in Cap and Caracol. The young adult leadership team did an excellent job keeping the busy clinic days organized and running smoothly and it was a great joy to work side by side!


Even in the quiet, God is moving!

Our website and FB page have been quiet, but by no means does that mean the ministry has been! We are well, and experiencing a season of so much growth and joy and peace in Him…. lots going on and I will share more soon — please continue to pray for all the plans that God has for Reigning Hope and for those that give so much of their time and support for this growing ministry!
 I am so thankful, and I know that it is in part because of the prayers of so many. Thank you for lifting us up.

Seeing is Believing!

It was such a pleasure and blessing to be able to be in Haiti last week and see some of the Cap Haitian Reigning Hope ministries in action. It was precious seeing all the children sitting shoulder-to-shoulder, knee-to-knee in the small space we have to meet. So many eager faces praising Jesus in song and listening to the bible stories. I was very proud watching the youth ministry leadership team a…s they led the little ones. What an amazing group of young leaders!
As I stood on the rooftop in the new classroom under construction I could understand the full scope of how Reigning Hope is  changing this community. This is a neighborhood ministry and it is truly impacting the families in this area. I had the privilege of being on a medical team earlier in the week that served in this community’s church and I so enjoyed playing with the kids and meeting some of the families who were our patients. I look forward to more opportunities for this community to become familiar faces to me. They are already dear to my heart.
It was so good for Guindy and I to be able to talk about our biggest priorities in the immediate future. It would be great to see the classroom walls completed and the roof on so that there is a larger meeting space that will be out of the sun. The second prayer is for a piece of land right next door… it is for sale and the seller has offered it to Reigning Hope at a great price. This property would be such a huge blessing for neighborhood outreach. Today our prayer is that God will open those doors and continue to rain His blessings on this ministry and that He will receive all glory and honor!
~ Lory